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Drugs of Abuse Project: Project Resources and Overview

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ObjectiveConduct research about a specific drug of abuse and use the information you find to create an informational digital pamphlet. Include high-quality images and videos to enhance the message of the pamphlet.

Remember! Use the databases and Google custom search in addition to the books and e-books to find relevant information before beginning your pamphlet!


Objective: Conduct research about a specific drug of abuse and use the information you find to create an informational digital pamphlet. Include high-quality images and videos to enhance the message of the pamphlet.

Use all panels of the pamphlet. Be sure to make your pamphlet look professional and appealing! Use pictures and color to enhance the content.

Extra information

Books in the library




Click on the book cover to go to the ebook you would like to read. You can look through the table of contents to find the page that you need.
